"Cold Calling Sales Techniques Require a Winner's Mindset"

The effective use of cold calling sales techniques is predicated upon having a winner's mindset.

This is a big stuck spot for most cold callers who do not believe they belong in meetings with high-level decision-makers. As a result, they are far more comfortable making contact with the lower echelons of their prospect companies.

Unfortunately, these callers are stuck in emotional lies. They buy into the false beliefs that tell them they do not belong at the higher levels of companies; their calls will be seen as unwelcome interruptions to a busy day; and they have nothing that is worthy of being heard by decision-makers.

Nothing could be further from the truth.

If your cold calling sales techniques are being sabotaged by your belief system your challenges are an inside job. It is imperative that you develop the belief systems for effective cold calling.

Your next step in learning how to cold call is to identify and ruthlessly challenge the beliefs that are holding you back. Then, to build new beliefs that set you free to cold call decision-makers of your prospect companies.

Having a hard time picking up the phone?

Be sure to read and think through the tips on the blog and TIPS pages.

Setting the tone of the call will be done by you or the gatekeeper – whichever one of you is more sales savvy and mature in business matters. Make sure you are the one to set the tone.

As you assume responsibility for the outcome of your calls, you will have questions about how to cold call such as “Should I be funny – I hear humor wins people over”, “Should I befriend the gatekeeper – how do I do that in 90 seconds or less”, “Is it best that I get to the decision-maker at all costs?”

You will find these kinds of questions addressed as you immerse yourself in the USP and TECHNIQUES pages.

Follow the counsel throughout this site and you will master these three areas.

You will appear to anyone listening in on your calls that you simply pick up the phone; call the prospect you want to meet with; tell him/her you want a meeting; and schedule that meeting at a mutually convenient time. But you and I both know the roots of your selling skills go much deeper than those few steps.

Master the cold call itself, then, you will be ready to advance to a discussion of software systems that help you manage all of the leads in your pipeline as well as present leads that fit your ideal client profile. Then, you will be ready for the CRMs and LEADS portions of the site.

Reommended Resources

Here are white papers for you. Take as many or as few as you want - they are free! However, they are updated weekly so visit now and come back often so that you don't miss out on a thing! Click here for cold calling sales techniques white papers now.

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