"Increase Business Sales Lead Conversion with This Process"

Increasing your business sales lead conversion directly relates to your ability to build trust with your prospects. Trust takes time to build.

Lest you are tempted to stick with picking the low-hanging fruit; only selling to those on your list who are sales ready; and ignoring the rest of your list, think about this …

Brian Carroll in his important book, “Lead Generation for the Complex Sales” states, “Proper lead nurturing programs open and strengthen sales pipelines and shorten sales cycles. They have been shown to yield anywhere from 15 to 200 percent in additional qualified leads, and sales close gains are even higher. One company calculated that nurtured prospects, which cited greater positive impression of the company when they became sales-ready leads, bought 100-250 percent more than those that were not nurtured but still bought.”

To build trust that leads to these kinds of results your prospects must perceive you are there to be informative. So, inform them and take care to answer their unspoken questions, such as:

“Are these guys solid? Are they credible?”

“Are they trustworthy? Is there a better resource out there?”

“My neck is on the line with my vendor selection. Will this be successful and affordable?”

As you develop ways to address your leads’ questions, record the actions you took in a process map. The map is the key to improved lead management. This is not for wimps! The details are tedious at best (which is why it is a good idea to include an IT professional in your mapping meetings) and business exploding at best.

For solid information for decision-making your map needs to focus upon: the percentage of leads resulting in sales, not on the number of leads in your list; and the actions and results that can be tracked and measured.

Most companies do not adequately follow up with a leads-nurturing process. As a result 80% or more of those leads are lost, even tossed. Don’t let that happen to you.

Do use a process map to determine your costs per inquiry, lead, and closed deal. Do use a process map to identify your important ratios: inquiry to lead, lead to sales, and number of leads needed to generate a sale.

If you need some motivating words to keep you moving forward in systematizing your business sales lead nurturing process, remember the words of the Founder of Marriott Hotels, “Success is in the systems. The devil is in the details!”

Recommended Resources

eMarketing Strategies for the Complex Sale

Lead Generation for the Complex Sale: Boost the Quality and Quantity of Leads to Increase Your ROI

Take the Cold Out of Cold Calling

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