"Cold Calling Script: the Amazingly Simple Secret"

Critical to creating an amazingly-powerful cold calling script is this - craft every word so that it is meaningful to the listener. Do that and you will quickly realize that one set of words will not cover the predictable situations you run into as you prospect for new business.

Every sales professional needs to plan for at least six unique phone-prospecting scenarios.

1. Be prepared with the words to use when talking with a receptionist. Words that will in effect expedite the transfer of your call to your Top Dog prospect. What the receptionist needs to hear in from you differs significantly from what a Top Dog decision-maker needs to hear.

2. Equip yourself for a conversation with the gatekeeper, the decision-makers' assistant. When you actually contact a live human being on the phone, odds are you will have a conversation with executive assistant rather than the actual decision-maker.

3. Of course you will want to plan ahead so you are not at a loss for words when during your initial call you reach the decision-maker. Be there. Done that. It's really, really embarrassing. Once was more than enough!

As you become comfortable with using the phone to contact your leads, you will see the benefit to planning out the structure for a few more situations that crop up. For example:

4. What you say when picking up the phone and calling a lead you found in the newspaper is different from ...

5. the words you use when someone has referred you to a lead.

6. Additionally, the conversational exchange you have when following-up with a prospect is not at all like ...

7. the words you use for scheduling a meeting on day you are in your prospect's city calling on another client.

No need to feel overwhelmed by the need to prepare for these different scenarios. Fact is you are getting in on important, valuable tactical thinking about prospecting by phone - that will cut years off of your learning curve and get results from your calls sooner rather than later.

Prepare for each of these situations and you will be good to go!

Recommended Resources

Cold Calling Techniques: That Really Work
Secrets to scheduling the executive-level sales call: How to win over the million-dollar decision maker

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