"Writing Telemarketing Script - Top Tip for Success"

The writing telemarketing script process fits into an outline that you will find in books and online. Most of them look something like this one:

_______________ ?(prospect's first name)

My name is ________________________ (your name). I am calling for 20-minutes on your calendar to see whether or not ______________________ (fill in the blank with your compelling benefit statement).

Do I schedule with ______________ (assistant's name) or ___________________ (prospect's name)

To get that script written, think about the three parts. One easy part. One part that requires you to think and gather information. A third part that requires the caller to stick with the script.

Because sales professionals have a gift for gab, the third part is the most difficult part of the process. There is a strong pull for the seller to draft a script packed with words designed to introduce, build relationship, gain credibility with a description of the seller's company, and oh yeah - to schedule an appointment. Paring your script down to the essential words only is your best bet.

Do what you need to do to stick to the script - rehearse, rehearse, and rehearse some more.

The writing telemarketing script process that requires gathering of information is the part where you articulate the benefit you have to offer your prospect - the reason the prospect should invest 20-minutes with you.

The best way to figure out the true benefit of your product/service - the value to your clients is to ask them. That is right. Call a few of your happy clients - the ones who are thankful to be doing business with you and ask, "What benefits do you get out of doing business with us" and "What kind of bottom line benefit does our company bring to yours?"

When your clients speak, listen. Write down the very words they say and use their words to craft your benefit statement. Your clients' words will carry more meaning to your prospects than the words you would use left to your own devices.

The first part of the writing telemarketing script process looks to you for finding out the names of both the decision-maker and the administrative assistant. There are resources on the internet available to you; you can find this information in articles; and you can collect this information from the receptionist. Ask for the spelling and pronunciation of these two people. Reception will either give you their names or connect you to their offices. In that case the prospect generally answers the phone using his or her name - mystery solved! You will have the name to use throughout your call.

Recommended Resources

Cold Calling Techniques: That Really Work
Secrets to scheduling the executive-level sales call: How to win over the million-dollar decision maker

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